#include #include using namespace std; void main() { int i; char op; int k; ////buffer - a tempory holding area in memory //// cin >> //// allows the user to type characters that will be placed in the "input buffer" //// only processes input when "Enter" is presses //// an end-of-line character is placed in the input buffer //// when the r-value is an integer it translates the characters into a 4-byte ineger //// stops reading input at the first "white-space" (space, tab, or end-of-line) ////the trailing white space is left in the input buffer ////alwayes ignores leading white-space //// cin >> only stops the program to allow input when the buffer is empty ////(or the only thing that is in it is white space) //// reading an integer from standard input ////cin >> i; ////cout << i << endl; ////cin >> i; ////cout << i << endl; ////cin >> i; ////cout << i << endl; //////finds the number of characters in the input buffer ////cout << cin.rdbuf()->in_avail() << endl; // cin >> i; ////gets the first character from the input buffer ////waits until there is an "Enter" pressed // //does not ignore anything // cout << "Press Enter to contiune"; // cin.ignore(cin.rdbuf()->in_avail()); // char c = cin.get(); //cout << c << endl; //cout << cin.rdbuf()->in_avail() << endl; //cout << "End of program" << endl; }